Saturday, June 23, 2012

The BIG Climb!

22 June 2012
Stats for the day:
Depart Quechee 8:00 a.m., arrive Proctor, VT 3:50 p.m.
Trip mileage – 209.3 miles
Today’s mileage – 45.96 miles
Time on bike – 4:12:22
Average Speed – 10.9 mph
Max speed – 43.0 mph

What a day today turned out to be.  We met some great folks, saw a bunch of interesting sights, busted our seats getting up hills, and are now ready for a day off.  We started our day with a great breakfast thanks to our friend Louise who supplied us with a piece of smoked wild Alaskan salmon.  You put the salmon on an everything bagel with some cheese and Wa-La, the breakfast of champions. 

So, we left the Quechee State Park Campground under clear skies and warming temperatures.  The campsite we had was fabulous as it was large, clean, and very near the new bathrooms, as well as just a short walk to the pizza place where we had dinner.  Now that’s living!

Our first stop was at Quechee Gorge, what a magnificent site.  Even Bottle was impressed.  As you can see we took the opportunity to get a photo op, so we “got gorgeous at the Gorge.”  

As we pedaled on we took in the varying spectacles that are Vermont.  Quiet fields and pastures sprawled across the base of tree covered hills, and mountains streams meandering across the landscape.  Vermont really is a beautiful state, one with a rich history, and part of that history is beer.  We went by the Long Trail Brewery and you can’t imagine how hard it was for Rick not to stop and offer his services as taster and quality control person!

What is distressing is to see the damage caused by Hurricane Irene and the flooding that ensued.  On our way up to Killington, we passed this now defunct gas station.  

Vermont is also known for its hills, some very major hills, like the one we climbed, Killington.  There were two, one mile long seven percent grades in order to get to the top.  That was a long hard haul.  But we made it and even got some pictures.  The best part of the ride was the run down to Rutland, which gave us six miles at five percent grade down hill to enjoy. 

Just on the Rutland side of Killington is the Long Trail, which runs the length of Vermont from the Canadian border to Massachusetts.  Here, it matches with the Appalachian Trail, so we stopped and stretched our legs just to say we walked on the trails. 

Our descent into Rutland was smooth and we managed to maneuver through town without incident, then continuing on through with a relatively flat trek to Proctor and our friends, Dan, Andrea, and their daughter Sarah, where we were greeted with cold root beer floats.  Nothing ever tasted so good!  

We look forward to a day off from riding while we take in the local sights and enjoy the company of friends.  Check in later to see how we spent the day, but don’t expect it to be on the bike! 

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